Most individuals fall into a second category needing guidance and encouragement. "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up." - 1 Thessalonians 5:11 One of our goals as a church family is to grow together in our faith and relationship with God. There are many ways to accomplish that goal. We have highlighted a few of those on this website. If you still have questions after exploring the links, please do not hesitate to call or email one of our ministers.
We encourage you to explore the links and check out a few of the options.
As men, we play many important roles, which involve many relationships such as husbands, fathers, providers, spiritual leaders of our homes, co-workers, etc. These relationships can only fulfill their potential as we become more Christ-like in our attitudes and actions.
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Women are talented. Smart. Funny. Compassionate. Unlimited in potential! We're also stressed out. Overwhelmed. Busy. Tired. Definitely in need of something more!
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The purpose of youth ministry at Jesus Lives Christian Church is to equip, prepare, support and encourage students to live out their faith in Jesus Christ. We are convinced that God has a purpose and plan for every Christian teenager; to know Him (John 17:3), serve Him and make His name known.
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For 2 and 3 year olds and the Preschool Spot for 4 year olds up until they go to kindergarten. Your child will experience large group for lessons and worship, and small group for snack, craft and fun with their friends.
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